CRM = Customer Rejection Management #crm #crmfail #customerservice

Every major organization has some form of customer call center. You may have renamed yours "contact center." They are manned by staff that are trained, tooled-up with technology and incentivized to support customers. The center is critical because it drives long term sales and protects repeat revenue. It may even be considered a "profit center." … Continue reading CRM = Customer Rejection Management #crm #crmfail #customerservice

Gartner releases iBPMS Magic Quadrant; Confused? You should be. #bpms #bpm

Gartner has been keen to stress that the iBPMS is not a natural evolution of the BPMS Magic Quadrant. Over a year ago Gartner suggested in research reports that IBO (Intelligent Business Operations) was the way forward-thinking clients would run their businesses. And with that in mind, the iBPMS is the technology platform that supports … Continue reading Gartner releases iBPMS Magic Quadrant; Confused? You should be. #bpms #bpm

We’ve been bent over and bankered at a cost of £46,774 per person

The current Barclays scandal has gathered momentum and has now gone way beyond "it had insufficient business controls" as the recent Guardian article today, Barclays Libor scandal: how can we change banking culture? spells out in graphic detail. The UK population has been well and truly bankered. To sum up the excellent article According to … Continue reading We’ve been bent over and bankered at a cost of £46,774 per person

Why Quality Management never got sexy and made it big

Nimbus Control started off 15 years ago as a Quality Management tool used by Quality Managers but we quickly realised that we were only selling one copy of our software to each company, which the Quality Manager used. That was not a great business model if world domination was the aim!  There are still some … Continue reading Why Quality Management never got sexy and made it big

TIBCO acquired Nimbus; 10 weeks on it gets emotional

TIBCO acquired Nimbus at the end of August and there was the inevitable post-M&A activity. Now for those cynics who have been through this before, they will tell you that M&A stands for Murder and Attrition. So what has it really been like? That’s what every one asks me. Firstly TIBCO acquired a company with … Continue reading TIBCO acquired Nimbus; 10 weeks on it gets emotional

Process Governance is Competitive Advantage #bpm #governance #compliance

For some industries governance is not optional such as Food and Pharma who are regulated by the FDA, or banking who are regulated by the FSA.  Arguably every US company is highly regulated due to SarBox, but the penalties for non-compliance are less painful so it is taken less seriously.  The FDA imposes punitive fines … Continue reading Process Governance is Competitive Advantage #bpm #governance #compliance

BPM – the movie. Could be a blockbuster #bpm #film #ebook

Stage plays entertained Kings and Queens throughout the ages – and anyone else wealthy enough. Think about the film Shakespeare in Love. Playwrights were impoverished artists who did it for the love and recognition. They were the ultimate story tellers. Then came the film, with the first public screening of a film in 1895. The … Continue reading BPM – the movie. Could be a blockbuster #bpm #film #ebook

SocialBPM – the faster we go, the further we go in different directions? #social #bpm #socialbpm

Social + BPM seems like a winning combination. Technology is enabling collaboration to improve processes and get the job done spanning geographical, time and inter-company barriers. Think of it as a form of crowd sourcing. Engaging customers, companies and suppliers  - the entire end to end process - to deliver better results. Nirvana (innovation and … Continue reading SocialBPM – the faster we go, the further we go in different directions? #social #bpm #socialbpm

Supercharged research on SocialBPM from Gartner #gartner #social #bpm

SocialBPM has emerged rapidly and inevitably the BPM software vendors have been quick put their marketing spin on their product. This is an unformed and uninformed space. But Elise Olding and Carol Rozwell at Gartner have clearly been thinking long  and hard about what SocialBPM means. So firstly their definition of Social BPM: "Social BPM" … Continue reading Supercharged research on SocialBPM from Gartner #gartner #social #bpm

Now where to hide in a world of data transparency #compliance #data

The release of hundreds of US diplomatic cables through Wikileaks has profound implications for the way that individuals and businesses must think about their data and online personas. Columnist Ian Gotts looks at the social and practical implications of the new era of transparency. If you had been marooned on a desert island for the … Continue reading Now where to hide in a world of data transparency #compliance #data

We are an SMB business. BPM is an expensive unnecessary overhead. #bpm #iso27001

An interesting question on the eBizQ website this morning got me thinking. "If BPM is so necessary, how come so many 100 to 300 people organizations do fine without it?" There is a process maturity curve which starts at the bottom end with low process (BPM) maturity which is a stage called Heroics. Many of … Continue reading We are an SMB business. BPM is an expensive unnecessary overhead. #bpm #iso27001

Why the iPad is becoming a hit for business #iPad #BPM #cloud

Here is a story from this morning's meeting at a client who is considering using Nimbus Control for process mapping , management and global deployment.  The client has over 250,000 employees and the meeting was with the SVP Operations who reports to the CEO, plus their team.  So a pretty important meeting. Last week one … Continue reading Why the iPad is becoming a hit for business #iPad #BPM #cloud